
Código: Seleccionar todo

# Importing Required Module from tkinter import * import requests # Defining Downloder Class class Downloader: # Defining Constructor def __init__(self,root): self.root = root # Title of the window self.root.title("Downloader Application") # Window Geometry self.root.geometry("600x100+200+200") # Declaring Url Variable self.url = StringVar() # Declaring Status Variable self.status = StringVar() # Initialising Status Variable self.status.set("--/--") # Creating Frame for downloader download_frame = Frame(self.root,background="grey",width=600,height=100).place(x=0,y=0) # Adding text widget lable for url url_lbl = Label(download_frame,text="URL",compound=LEFT,font=("times new roman",15,"bold"),bg="grey",fg="gold").grid(row=1,column=0,padx=10,pady=10) # Adding text widget for url url_txt = Entry(download_frame,bd=2,width=25,textvariable=self.url,relief=SUNKEN,font=("times new roman",15)).grid(row=1,column=1,padx=10,pady=10) # Adding the Download button dwn_btn = Button(download_frame,text="Download",,width=10,font=("times new roman",14,"bold"),bg="gold",fg="navyblue").grid(row=1,column=2,padx=10,pady=10) # Adding the Status Label status_lbl = Label(download_frame,textvariable=self.status,font=("times new roman",14,"bold"),bg="grey",fg="white").grid(row=2,column=1) # Defining Download Function def download(self): # Cheaking if URL Entry is not Null if self.url.get()=="": self.status.set("URL NOT SPECIFIED") else: try: # Updating Status self.status.set("Downloading...") self.root.update() # Getting the response of request Request = requests.get(self.url.get()) # Cheaking if status code is not bad if Request.status_code == # Opening File to write bytes file = open("download","wb") file.write(Request.content) file.close() # Updating Status self.status.set("Download Completed") else: self.status.set(Request.status_code) except: self.status.set("Error in Downloading") # Creating TK Container root = Tk() # Passing Root to Downloader Class Downloader(root) # Root Window Looping root.mainloop() 
[Enlace externo eliminado para invitados]
Para que la imagen se ejecute tras la descarga, después de self.status.set("Download Completed")  agreguen estas líneas:

with'download.png') as img:

e importen esta librería:

from PIL import Image (al principio del code obviamente)

Y si quieren agregar la extensión al archivo descargado que en el code original no existe vayan a esta línea:

file = open("download","wb")  

Quedaría de la siguiente forma:

file = open("download.png","wb")  


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